Full Name Required Maiden Name (optional) Address 1 Required Address 2 (Please include an apartment, building, or suite number (if applicable).) City Required State Required Zip Required Country Required Email Required Phone Business Name (optional) Business Street Address Business City Business State Business Zip Did you graduate from LCS? Required ----YesNo Years you attended LCS (Example: 1999-2001) I am currently Required in school working other Are you pursuing higher education? Required ----YesNo What else have you been up to? Upload a photo (optional) Would you be willing to help us contact your classmates? Required ----YesNo May we use this information in our online or print publications? Required ----YesNoPlease contact me first Would you be interested in attending or helping to organize an alumni event at Loudonville? Required ----YesNo Please help us share with others about your experience at LCS. Complete the following sentence - “Because I am an LCS grad… If you have any additional comments please leave them below. Please type the letters and numbers shown in the image. Click the image to see another captcha. I grew so strong in my faith. God showed me the way to lead the life he had planned for me and I live it everyday with the support of the faculty and many friends here. This is a place I enjoyed coming to everyday. - LCS Alumna