Middle School

At Loudonville Christian School, our Middle School Program has been intentionally designed to meet the goal of our tagline, Expect Excellence, Experience Christ. We have thought deeply about how to create a program that will lead students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades to flourish academically, socially, and spiritually.

Academic Courses

Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are taught a rigorous curriculum across these subject areas: Math, Science, Language Arts, History, Bible, Spanish, Technology, Health, Art, and Physical Education.  They also have the option of participating in Band and Choir.

By the time our students are finished with 7th grade, they will have successfully completed all of the 8th grade Math requirements and as they enter 8th grade, they will be enrolled in Algebra 1.  

Students begin Spanish instruction in 6th grade and by the end of their 8th grade year, they will have completed the Spanish 1 course requirements.

Students interested in Band and Choir are able to take both.

Middle School Distinctives

The start of Middle School at LCS brings students into new and exciting territory!  For the first time students begin navigating the hallways with a bell schedule, switching classes, and learning from several different teachers throughout the school year.

Special opportunities for Middle School students:

  • Participating in our Morning Meet which is like a whole Upper School homeroom to start the day

  • Becoming a members of the Upper School Worship Team

  • Weekly chapel experiences

  • Modified Sports for 7th and 8th graders

  • Middle School Retreat at Grafton State Park

  • Various Clubs that meet throughout the week such as:  Board Game Club, Art Club, and Chess Club

8th Graders at LCS enjoy some special and unique benchmarks that set them apart and prepare them for the high school experience.

  • The 8th Grade Play in which all 8th grade students participate

  • 8th Grade Dinner at the end of the year

Teacher Support

With the new opportunities of Middle School come new challenges.  Getting to class on time, managing assignments from different teachers, navigating  technology like Google Classroom, self-regulating while moving through the hallways without teacher supervision, and maintaining grades are a few areas for 6th through 8th grades to demonstrate responsibility, building academic and social skills.

Our teachers are trained to support students at these grade levels to transition from the Lower School to the MIddle School, preparing them for success in their final step up to the  high school program.

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