Alumni News & Community

Greetings from Germany! My wife, Christin (Henry, Class of 2010) and I were married last June and have been on the move ever since! I graduated from the United States Military Academy in May of 2015 with a degree in civil engineering. As a newly commissioned Quartermaster Officer in the US Army, I was required to take the Basic Officer Leadership Course at Fort Lee, Virginia. This four-month course helped prepare me to lead logistical, supply, and maintenance operations within the Army.
Eighteen years. It’s hard to believe I have been a part of the LCS community as a student, coach, and teacher for that long – for more than half of my life! Despite all the changes and ups and downs I’ve seen, I know that God wants me here and I will faithfully obey until He calls me elsewhere.
When asked to reflect on my years at Loudonville Christian School, many things come to mind. The word that overtook my thoughts, though, was the word “memories.” Over the course of my four years at Loudonville Christian School, I made many great memories with my friends, teachers and classmates.
In January 2016, I promised to write an article about how LCS shaped my experiences as an Air Force Major and pharmacist living in Italy. Unfortunately, adult life happened, and I plum forgot. In fact, I didn’t even realize my blunder until I was attempting to purge 500+ unread emails from my account and accidentally came across my empty promise to write this article.