Student Support Services

Loudonville Christian School is committed to the partnership with our families. To that end, we desire to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed to the best of his/her abilities. The Elementary Support for Academics (ESA) Department supports students in Grades K-5 and is overseen by Miss Christa Johnson.  Student Support for the Upper School (6-12) is overseen by Mrs. Kristen Zaloom.

Elementary Support for Academics (ESA)

Elementary Support for Academics (ESA) Department collaborates with classroom teachers to provide support for students in the lower school grades.   Students who receive support are identified by the classroom teacher and the ESA teachers who look at the individual strengths and needs of struggling students in order to understand how to best set goals for academic growth.  ESA teachers provide students with strategies to successfully access grade-level content in class. They use various approaches and materials to target skills that overlap with the classroom curriculum, but they strategically focus on areas where students have challenges. ESA teachers may re-teach concepts, work in small groups, assist with classwork in and out of class, utilize manipulatives, and practice specific skills.

ESA teachers monitor student growth through a variety of assessments in order to track progress. The classroom teacher and ESA teacher are in regular communication regarding students who receive support. Depending on the needs and goals, students may see ESA teachers for varying lengths of time, and throughout part or all of the school year. Teachers will inform parents as this process takes place.

Special Education Needs

LCS has the privilege of partnering with North Colonie to provide special education services for students with Individual Education Plans (IEP's).  Accommodations are determined on an individual basis.

The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.

- Isaiah 50:4

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